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We welcome enquiries directly from potential recipients, as well as family, friends, carers, ECLOs, Social Services, Opticians, or anyone else who may benefit from, or knows someone who may benefit from our service.

If you are enquiring for yourself, please fill in the form on the registration page and we will contact you.

If you know someone who might benefit from our service and would like more information please contact us and we will be more than happy to answer any questions.

You can also fill in the form below:

    About You

    For data protection, please confirm that you have spoken to the person you are referring and that they have consented to your passing us their data

    About the person you are referring

    Do any of these statements apply to the person you are referring?

    1. Registered (or meet the criteria to be registered) as Severely Sight Impaired or Blind

    2. Registered (or meet the criteria to be registered) as Sight Impaired or Partially Sighted

    3. Unable to read 12pt type even with the help of spectacles or contact lenses

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